Ramapo Police Pension Fund still subsidizing Ramapo daily operations?

Saturday, April 5th, 2014 @ 2:50PM

 Over the last few months, a Ramapo Republican Committee member submitted several FOIL requests inquiring if the Town of Ramapo met its obligation to pay back the 3 million dollar loan it borrowed from the Ramapo Police Pension Fund.

Based on Resolution #2013-489, the loan was supposed to be paid back, with interest, by December 31, 2013. The town finally answered our request on March 17, 2014 and the answer was shocking!!  According to the town clerk, “there are no documents responsive to our request and our appeal is, therefore, denied as being moot”. (See the documents below).

This leaves us with some questions:

Are town officials being transparent with their response?

Has the loan been paid back but not disclosed in the response?

If the loan has not been paid back, why was the deadline missed and what is the payback plan?


We will keep you posted with anything new on this matter. Check back periodically for updates at www.RamapoGop.org, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ramapogop, and on twitter @RamapoGop.


Exhibit 3Ramapo Pg2

Exhibit 2_Page_1

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Categories: Ramapo

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